

Fishing family Bistrica Domžale

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045

Več revirjev izbranega okoliša

Več revirjev izbranega okoliša

Fishing family Vevče

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045

Velika Pišnica 1 085

Velika Pišnica 1 085

Fishing family Jesenice

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045

Velika Pišnica 2 007

Velika Pišnica 2 007

Fishing family Jesenice

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045

Velunja 2

Velunja 2

Fishing family Paka Šoštanj

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045



Fishing family Bistrica Domžale

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045

Vzhodna Ložnica

Vzhodna Ložnica

Fishing family Voglajna

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045

Zadrževalnik Savci Z1b

Zadrževalnik Savci Z1b

Fishing family Ormož

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045

Zasip 045

Zasip 045

Fishing family Jesenice

Jesenice is not ready for online sale at www.ribiskekarte.si. For more information about selling points visit Fishing family presentation page or fishing family home page.

Write us to info@ribiskekarte.si and we will inform you as soon as the online sale of fishing licenses will be enabled for the district Zasip 045